The article goal is to throw light upon a condition of affairs with migration to LibreOffice in the Russian Federation territory, for the LibreOffice community of users.
dniM ruoY nepO
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." — Plutarch
Pages of the blog
27 March, 2018
Migration to LibreOffice in the Russian Federation
Posted by
9:32 AM

24 October, 2017
History and some causes of LibreOffice bugs
He took the small bundle from Karlsson and held her tenderly in his arms.
"Don't cry, there's a good baby", he said.
Astrid Lindgren "Karlsson on the Roof"
You certainly know that the LibreOffice includes several modules, such as Writer, Calc, Draw... All these modules are united into one application and can not be installed separately. But most of all you can be confused by the various development (though, in truth, the abandonment) of these modules. In order to understand better why this diverse interest of developers to different modules grows, the appearance and correction of errors and the inadequacy of the documentation, I suggest first to dig into the history of the appearance of LibreOffice. And we will begin from the very beginning.
01 August, 2017
How to add Oxygen icon set to LibreOffice 5.4
For those who prefer to use the KDE desktop with the theme of Oxygen on their workstations, it was somewhat shocking that the designers of LibreOffice removed the theme of the Oxygen icons from the assembly. The decision they took a year ago, but the hands reached only now in LibreOffice 5.4. Why did they decide that if they do not use the theme, nobody should use it, I do not know why. But the fact is: they made a choice for us. It is not difficult to restore the theme now, it will be a little more difficult in a year, but it's not pleasant. A bit of theory and "practice" below in the article.
30 May, 2017
Variables and data types of LibreOffice Basic
I have promised for a very long time to start writing about the scripting language of programming Basic in LibreOffice and creating macros by this language. This article is devoted to the types of data is used in Basic and, to a greater extent, the rules of description and the possibility of using variables. As always, I will try to provide a maximum of information, and for this reason I hope that this simple topic will be useful not only for novice users. Separately, I would like to thank everyone who commented on the Russian article, gave their recommendations, and helped to deal with difficult questions.
06 January, 2017
Numbering of pages in LibreOffice Writer
If you have an experience of text document editing, you may skip the introductory remarks. I just wanted to say a few words to people who have just started to work in LibreOffice in order to they can understand about what the talk.
19 December, 2016
04 December, 2016
Command-line arguments in LibreOffice
The last few weeks I've been doing a patch in the Help associated with the bug tdf#100836. It seems that there is a file that describes everything, and it need to only move into the code, but not everything is simple. First, this help appears in the console mode, and it had been very desolate. On Windows system, it opens in the window that does not have a scroll bar instead to show it in the console. Secondly, mistakes were found at the time of writing, and they should be corrected before placing in the Help. As a result, instead of a single patch was made already 3: I did two (1, 2) and one was done Mike Kaganski. And as a fact, it requires further improvement, but unfortunately, I already have tired from writing of it. And since this Help will appear only next summer in the LibreOffice 5.4, I give it here, as always, with minor explanations. I hope that someone else will improve this help to the release, and you can enjoy more good official Help.
01 December, 2016
Philosophical thinking about styles and templates, or "Where the iceberg basis is hidden?"
Reading articles about working in LibreOffice on various websites, including blogs, I always meet with the lack of understanding, which makes these articles fit only for a basic use. However, for the office, and for people who often use LibreOffice and not want to think about how entry should be shown, but only what they are writing, the concept of styles and templates is very important. This article is not a lesson of use, but an attempt to give the rod, frame, idea, around which it will be possible to strengthen your knowledge. And I hope that it will help you to bring together existing and easier to accept new ones.
26 November, 2016
Protecting Content in LibreOffice Writer form unpremeditated changes
On last week Mike Kaganski (one form Russian developers) asks me to correct a few things in the Help. In the fact, the speech was about addition a few strings in an article about protection of contents in LibreOffice Writer. But, when I started to work with the article, I understood that the article must be completely rewritten. I pushed the patch to gerryt. And I hope that the article will be available already in the Help of 5.3 version. In the blog, I would like to give additional explanations and at the same time to tell about some things which was not appropriate for the Help, in my opinion.
17 November, 2016
SUM, AutoSum and some other secrets of LibreOffice Calc
When I started to write this article, I thought it would be brief note for beginners. But in the process of writing, I found quite a lot of information that was illuminated within this theme. As a result, the article grew to pretty large size. And I hope that the material presented here will be useful not only to people beginning their way into Calc, but also for people who have long enjoyed a spreadsheet.
22 October, 2015
How to create an owl in LibreOffice Calc
In gratitude to my wife, from the fact that, she tirelessly supports me in my work for the LibreOffice community, this little article is dedicated to her.
In fact it is not an owl, but a little eagle-owl sitting on the branch. I used a Cyrillic character «л» from the font Comfortaa for ear tufts. The rest is done using the font Liberation Sans: eyes are the lowercase letter «о», foots are the character caret «^» with the single underlining style. The file with the example is attached.
In fact it is not an owl, but a little eagle-owl sitting on the branch. I used a Cyrillic character «л» from the font Comfortaa for ear tufts. The rest is done using the font Liberation Sans: eyes are the lowercase letter «о», foots are the character caret «^» with the single underlining style. The file with the example is attached.